Monday, October 28, 2013

5 websites you got to know if you play League of Legends

Hello! There are 5 websites that every League of Legends player should know.

  1. Official League of Legends website - - latest news and huge support for new players.
  2. LoLKing - - provides information about every player you want - last matches, leagues, division and more! Also has great global stats / charts (click here)
  3. - - provides information about your current match, your allies and enemies (their divisions, masteries, runes, pre-made status and more)
  4. - - LoLNexus clone. Some people say that it's even better.
  5. LoLSummoners stats - - great global stats about division distrubution over all players. I've posted something about it here.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Find a partner to play with!

Hi! Many people complain that "they don't have people to play with" so I decided to create this post!

Do you want to find someone to play League of Legends with you? Maybe duo queue or maybe just normal games? Just check the comments below this post or write your own comment :)

Please include following information:
  • in-game nickname
  • server
  • additional info (ranked / normal games, skill level and other :) )

Friday, October 25, 2013

Statistics - win rate, popular champions, synergies, matchups and many many more!

Hello! I think that every League of Legends player knows - it's a great website where you can find information about player's last matches, current division and more. However some people don't know that it also has another awesome feature - charts & statistics.

I personally love charts & stats! These are updated daily and has many great features.

Synergy / matchup tables are just awesome! You can even specify league of this stats - Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum / Diamond / Challenger and queue (solo or 5x5).

Click here to visit!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is the percentage of players in each league?

Have you ever wondered what is the percentage of players in each league? I have :) I did a little research and found some statistic websites. Some of them had very old data, another had very strange data that couldn't be true.

Finally, I've found the right website with right stats :) And I think they're updated every day!

This is the website (for other servers than EUNE, just change the "eune" part of the URL):

Statistics for EUNE server for 16.10.2013

(Click to enlarge)

Player percentages

Percentage of Challenger Players 0.00847%
Percentage of Diamond Players 1.52423%
Percentage of Platinum Players 5.61318%
Percentage of Gold Players 15.01%
Percentage of Silver Players 42.23839%
Percentage of Bronze Players 35.60573%

Player counts

Total Number of Active Players 590,200
Number of Challenger Players 50
Number of Diamond Players 8,996
Number of Platinum Players 33,129
Number of Gold Players 88,589
Number of Silver Players 249,291
Number of Bronze Players 210,145

Source of all data: KBH54N7DMENF

Riot introduces Team Builder

Yesterday Riot introduced the new League of Legends feature that is available on PBE right now (and will be in game on season 4 - at the beginning only in normal games, then maybe in ranked games). As far as I understand you will be able to choose what position you want to play at and then find 4 people to play at remaining positions.

I think it will be a really great feature - I hate situations when "MID OR FEED" and then someone does the trollpick and trolls all the game.

Read the official post here.
Read the tumblr post on my Tumblr here.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Alistar sacrifice

Old, but there are still some people who haven't watched it yet! :D Best support ever.

Jinx Champion Spotlight

Hello! About 17 hours ago the Jinx Champion Spotlight has been released! I think she's op a bit.

The annoying thing is there is at least 1 Jinx in every game now :D

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Get Jinxed! Jinx video released

Wow! The Jinx video has been released! Check this out :) I think it's awesome!

My Tumblr

Check the most funny League of Legends images on my Tumblr profile! And don't forget to follow me :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Is League of Legends a hard game?

Definitely no. Some people think so, because they've never tried! There's a little guide how to start with League of Legends.
  1. Create your account and download League of Legends client (it's free!). Click here to create new account and download the game!
  2. Now, when your game is downloading, it's time to read or watch some basic tutorials. You may find many of them on Youtube or just read pretty good official New Player Guide.
  3. Start your game and play in-game tutorials (Tutorial and Battle Training).
  4. Keep practicing by playing games vs AI and then vs players (PvP)
Some tips from me if you are new in League of Legends:
  • do not skip the Tutorial and the Battle Training in game - they're really useful! :)
  • play few games vs AI and then play vs real players (client should match you with similar players to you, although it's good to get the basics before playing with them)
  • good luck and have fun. See you in game :)